North Korea Demonstrates Possession of Nuclear Bomb


North Korea has demonstrated that it can launch a short-range missile during a nuclear bomb.

The country has long said it has nuclear bombs capable of hitting South Korean military sites. A photograph released by a journalist on Tuesday is the first public confirmation that North Korea has a nuclear bomb.

However, it is difficult to tell whether it is true or false until North Korea tries to launch one of these nuclear bombs.

North Korea says it will punish the United States and South Korea for holding a major joint military exercise. The two countries have been conducting military exercises on how to contain North Korea if it launches an attack.

This is not something that North Korean leader Kim Jong-Um is happy about.

North Korea has been launching short-, medium- and long-range missiles in a demonstration of its opposition to the US-South Korean exercises.

Over the past two weeks, North Korea has launched a cross-continental ballistic missile capable of hitting the United States.

The missiles were fired from underground depots for submarines.

  The military also conducted exercises on how to strike a South Korean military airport with a nuclear bomb.

In addition, Kim Jong-Um has revealed the possibility of launching a nuclear submarine drone. this could destroy the sea waves of enemy warships, the country said.

Now it has demonstrated to the world by launching nuclear bombs attached to the missile.

Other analysts, including Elan Kim, expressed concern about the types of weapons Kim Jong-Um is displaying.

Korea is demonstrating to the world that it can attack countries like South Korea , the US and Japan by firing modern weapons from the sea and land, including nuclear bombs.

"We didn't know before that they could fire missiles from submarines or underground. Its [North Korea's] weapons are getting so difficult to counter," Kim said

This shows the nuclear concerns that North Korea poses. a cruise missile fired from a submarine is very difficult to counter, says Yang Uuk, a weapons analyst at the Asan institute.

he says the reason is that the submarine missiles are so low that they are difficult to counter with anti-missile defense.
Kim Jong Um worries that one day the US could attack first and prevent these weapons from being used.

With his demonstration of nuclear bombs and various types of missiles, Kim Jong-un wants to send a message that he can now counter any attack.

There are those who say the US and the international community should put more pressure on North Korea to return to talks to stop its nuclear tests.
China and Russia have voted in the UN Security Council against North Korea and the country is seeking and developing weapons without restrictions.

Yang said Kim Jong Un is also frustrated with the situation in the country.
Yang explains that developing a nuclear weapons program is "the only card he can play" in the face of economic collapse and starvation among the country's citizens.


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