February 8 (March 8): Five Things You Should Know About International Women's Day


Today (Saturday) is celebrated and remembered as International Women's Day around the world
This year marks the 44th anniversary of the day.

But why was February 8 chosen as International Women’s Day?

What is the origin of celebrating this day?

Five things you probably don't know.

1.When did it start?

International Women's Day has been celebrated since the early 1900s.

the workers' revolution became a United Nations Day.

Violations of women's rights and inequality have forced women to make their voices heard for necessary changes.

The idea of the day began in 1908 when 15,000 women marched in New York City demanding shorter working hours, better wages, and the right to vote.

a year later it was the American Socialist Party that declared National Women’s Day.

The idea of celebrating this day worldwide was introduced by a woman named Clara Zetki.

| Clara Zetkin 1890

She made the comments at the International Working Women's Conference in Copenhagen. 100 women from 17 countries attended the event.

International Women's Day was first celebrated in 1911 in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland.

Its 100th anniversary was celebrated in 2011 and this year marks its 109th anniversary.

2. When Honorable

The idea of International Women's Day was put forward by Clara and had no specific date.

February 19 was originally chosen to commemorate the day the King of Prussia promised in 1848 that he would let women vote. yet the king did not keep his promise.

International Women's Day was first celebrated on February 8 in

Legally, however, the day was moved to February 8 in 1917 after Russian women protested with 'bread and peace'

Four days after the protests began, the governor resigned and the new government gave women the right to vote.

The day the rally started was February 8th.

| Women's Day rally on February 8,

3. How is it celebrated in different countries?

The United Nations has declared February 8 as International Women's Day a crime to remember and celebrate women.

Twenty-seven countries, including Afghanistan, Eritrea, Burkina Faso, Angola, Russia, Germany, and Uganda, celebrate International Women's Day with closures.

In countries like China and Madagascar, only women celebrate this day by stopping normal work.

In many other countries, this day is celebrated as International Women's Day.

On this day, it has become a common custom in many countries for men to give various gifts to the women in their lives to their friends, mothers, or wives, their daughters, etc.

in Italy they celebrate this day by giving Yellew mimosas apples to women.

4. What is the Message of the Festival?

The color used to represent a woman in this world is Siddisa. historically, the use of the green and white colors to symbolize women's equality originated in 1908 at the UK Women's Social and Political Union.

When this day is celebrated every year with a new message and slogan.

In 1996, the slogan chosen for International Women's Day was Celebrate the past and plan for the future.

Men and Women Together will stop violence against women and girls has been chosen for the 2009 Women's Day celebrations.

During the 100th Anniversary of World Women’s Day 2011, the chosen message focused on equality in education, training, science and technology.

The UN's chosen Motto for 2020 is 'I am an equal legacy: learning about women's rights'

On various social media platforms for International Women's Day, many people have started using the hashtag #Eachfor equal and posting pictures with their hands making an equal sign (=).

| International Women's Day Message Symbol

5. Is there an International Men’s Day?

It's right It's celebrated on March 19th. But the day was first celebrated in the 1990s but has not yet been adopted and recognized by the UN. It will be celebrated in more than 60 countries including the UK.

The mission of the day is to "focus on men's health, improve gender relations, promote gender equality and teach good male role models.

In 2018, the theme of the day was "Examples of Good Men

Various initiatives have been taken for many years to improve gender equality and the World Economic Forum has been monitoring the gender equality gap since

The Global Gender Equality Gap Report covers 149 countries and works to improve equality in four areas: Economic participation and opportunity, Access to education, Health of life eg political participation.

According to the 2018 World Economic Forum report, Iceland is the world's leading country in narrowing the gender equality gap, while Rwanda is the leading country in Africa.

The global gender equality gap is now about 68% and it will take about 108 years to completely close the gap.

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