Technology has made life easier for others but it has spit me out of the gym and out of the way- Mr. Awwal Bulloo


Look, isn't the malt changing fast? how many mobile phones have changed in a few years. technological change is bringing opportunities for one and problems for others

"At a time when lifestyle technology has made it possible for people to do what can be done in a week in a day , in an hour that can be done in minutes and seconds, it has spit me out of my job and taken me out on the street," he said

In the past, there was no one who did not invite me to his house because of my technology skills

"I don't choose television like I do now, but in the old days, many people who owned radios and tapes wouldn't know me

Mr. Awwal Bulloo was born in Bale and moved to Finfinnee with his family when he was a year old

they were living a good life and someone broke the radio or stopped working. refused to work television and they brought him to them or went home and worked.

they were also earning a good income and their demand was great.

When the phone is read, it means sitting on the street in the biheerawwiti area of Finland and measuring people's weight.

even while we were interviewing our speaker, at least five people passed their weight off these scales.

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